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Abigail Knitter

Russian nude sensation Svanhild knitting away in the nude in her log cabin. She didn’t model for long, but she left some classic galleries. Only one gallery at Femjoy but you can also find her @ Metart ( under Mariya A ) and Domai ( under Svanhild ).

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8 thoughts on “Abigail Knitter”

  1. jose luis hernandez torres

    WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! fantastic woman!!!!! i fell really amazing!!! where she did hidden is? is a marvelous woman!!!!! I felt in love whit her

  2. She no longer models? Boy does that suck! I’ve thoroughly enjoyed jerking cock over her for many years.

  3. J S Parthasarathi

    I want to see wide open pundaii ( Pussy ) of Abigail. Excellent babes, face and 0f course pussy.

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