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Sheela Check Shirt Gallery

Oh man check out Sheela / Bella all she has on is a shirt – no bra no panties – I’m sweating already just drinking in such a beautiful sight!!

Images are low resolution. High resolution 6000pixel full photoset you’ll find inside METART NETWORK Members Area

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3 thoughts on “Sheela Check Shirt Gallery”


    Siempre que busco en su página ver a todas sus PornStar,busco mucho a la mujer más Hermosa que existe en éste mundo,SHEELA/BELLA,como queira yo llamarla no importa,lo que sí importa para mí,que ella pueda recibir mi mensaje y alguien se lo traduzca(make a translation to her);con gran impacienciencia espero ver sus fotos y recorrer todos los rincones de su Hermoso cuerpo,su Bello rostro,sus cabellos,sus labios y su sonrisa,sencillamente Perfecta.
    Sheela,I hope you can read my message,please and you know there´s a Man whom Love you deeply,I long for one day you want to answer my message.Kiss you Love you forever.
    from Veracruz,México

  2. Pingback: Busty Sheela - Einasu - Open Shirt

  3. Hi Shella! It’s a pleasure to meet attractive and natural women, like you, I’m using the google translator, to express myself better, congratulations, for your good work, beautiful, interesting, and … a kiss from Rafa Legorburu (the Basque country). My ingland lenguages y very bad,
    Soy un pintor – artista Vasco – Español, como modelo eres fantástica. see you soon blonde!!
    Rafa Legorburu.

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