Pouting Sha Rizel looks stunning stripped down to her black panties with her big tits beautifully tanned …
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Pouting Sha Rizel looks stunning stripped down to her black panties with her big tits beautifully tanned …
What’s wrong with her face?
She… doesn’t… look like Sha Rizel anymore, what happened? Terrible makeup or terrible cosmetic (a.k.a. destructive) surgery?
After two pregnancies she’s no longer look as good as it used to be (especially boobs)
Meh….looks like her lips were hit with a baseball bat. Not sure if that was her intent, but it’s a pretty clownish appearance…..
She’s not younger than she used to be; none of us are. That’s not the point. The point is she’s hardly recognizable. So either PF fucked up her make-up or post-processing (they always photoshop the shit out of their models), or she’s had some surgery done to her face.
She would be stunning if it wasn’t for those augmented lips — she looks like she has a cherry glazed donut stuck to her face.
Pregnancy can trigger many physical changes in a woman due to hormone increases and decreases during the pregnancy and postpartum. Toss in the many sleepless nights and you’re going to look different. Sha’s always had full lips. That said you can see her post pregnancy changes, same for Katerina Hartlova. Look at Sha’s profile pic on boobpedia, or lookup one of her first galleries on freeones (takes you to bigboobsalert). You a see her natural aging as well as the post pregnancy changes. Good or bad (if you want to call it that), I’ve had the pleasure of watching this everyday with my own wife and soon to be year old kiddo. I’d absolutely love it if I were fortunate enough to call myself husband, boyfriend, or partner… some sort of significant other… of Sha’s or Katerina’s, just as I’m happy to do so with my wife pre- and post pregnancy.
If you guys really want to see facial post-pregnancy change…
Look up Alina H on kindgirls and indexxx.
Wow gorgeous boob’s look was nice i fuking you baby
Sha,one of my most favorite dark haired brunette fantasy girl models of all-time.She can even take a break from showing her pussy.She’s shown it plenty of times.