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Katie Thornton Huge Tits

Nice to enjoy Katie Thornton again, not natural tits but she is just so damn sexy!
Big tits blonde babe topless

3 thoughts on “Katie Thornton Huge Tits”

  1. Kastie Thornton has her arm under her breasts to lift them up. So even after implants she wanst them to be shown at the best lifted up, so she she still coule wenat them bigger than they are now. Her areoles are great and can be improved as her nipples. Katie has very sexual nipples and areoles that coule become sexier.

  2. There is an interesting thing about the big boob industry that no one has noticed about Katie Thornton. She is 27 and she probably burst onto the modelling scene when she was able at 18 and she had a D cup. She found things tough going to make money so she did hardcore boy-girl stuff for a while. Then she decided to change course and she got implants to a G-cup. That was like WOW it punched them out. The industry then paid her money just to model her boobs, so Katie did not do any hardcore any more, she dropped it, and now years and years later at 27 she still does not do hardcore. Why? Because the indstry is paying her too much money.
    The girls have the last laugh. The big boobed girls get all the money just for having big boobs and they parade around and smile and do nothing.
    You are paying them too much money for them to do boy-girl. Your fault. They just reap in the money and say “Thank You”.for standing there.

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