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Jana Defi Poolside In Milano

From the Caribbean we shoot over to Milano Italy, staying at the pool we find Jana Defi all wet and busty and very very sexy …

Want some more Jana Defi galleries and some truly great movies? Find her here :

4 thoughts on “Jana Defi Poolside In Milano”

  1. Madame affiche clairement ses atouts, sûre de son charme
    Jada vous avez une poitrine fabuleuse !
    Vous dégagez un sex-appeal phénoménal et savez faire preuve d’une sensualité débordante
    Vos gros seins, les plus beaux qu’il m’ait été donné de voir, sont magnifiques de prestance.
    Le simple fait de vous voir vous déplacer est un régal…
    voir vos seins se balancer à chacun de vos mouvements est un ravissement
    et me plonge dans un état de désir incommensurable…
    Jada vous êtes irrésistible

  2. Jana Forever Lover ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️


    Something is fishy w/your site as you mentioned photos are from 2022-08-05 but, the website below phots right corner “” shut down “In July 2010, Jana announced her retirement from active modelling, and her site was taken down shortly after.”, (

    1. Thank you for your comment. That date at the top is when I posted the pictures, not when they were originally created. For example, this past weekend I posted a gallery of Diane Poppos, who has been retired for decades, the date shows as 2023-02-25, it’s just when I created the gallery that’s all, not when the photos are from.

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