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Jana Defi Pink Robe

Big tits beauty Jana Defi with open pink bathrobe

WOW check out Jana Defi, every red-blooded guys’ fantasy – her pink robe slips open and those perfect big boobs lips out and stand proud!

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13 thoughts on “Jana Defi Pink Robe”

  1. An all time legend for sure … You richly deserve your retirement – but I will always love you and remember you as I have a treasured album of pix and videos going back to the “’ days when you were too shy to lose your bra!!! Blessings on you, you gorgeous lady❤❤❤❤❤

    1. There were a few pictures of her on the web lying in bed with some hairy guy and his cum on her chest. Definitely legitimate leaks cause she filed a complaint against the forum (Freeones) to have them taken down.

      First and only time in my life I ever became truly jealous of someone I didn’t even know.

      They weren’t even really fappable though. I seem to remember her face was all busted up for some reason.

      1. The Latest Harry Balszak

        Not legit at all. Photoshopped fakes. I’d have threatened a suit too. That kind of shit’s all over hamster and other hosting sites. I’ve seen older full frontals of her, but never any HC.

    2. Best perky big boob naturals that are non-scoreland models,today. Would love to see that delicious pussy of hers,cuz I know she just has one.

    3. Rodrigo Augusto Martins Ferreira

      Jana Defi Pink linda e com seios fartos fiquei com vontade de mama nesses seios fartos da Jana

    4. Rodrigo Augusto Martins Ferreira

      Jana Defi Pink linda fiquei com vontade de mama nesses seios grandes e fartos quero mama nesses seios enormes

    5. i had a sex time with her in teenage and boobs are very heavy but soft but she just lies and wasnt a fun

    6. What a beautiful, sexy woman! Such a shame she retired, after only a few years & still in her 20’s. She had just established her only website she shut it down in a matter of months. She is one of a kind.

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