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Demmy Blaze & Her Blazing Dress

Demmy Blaze is all luscious curves fighting to escape her blazing red dress. It’s so tight, clinging to her voluptuous body. Her huge tits are first to be set free …

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8 thoughts on “Demmy Blaze & Her Blazing Dress”

    1. Never gonna happen. Honestly don’t know a model I find more repugnant. There’s just nothing redeeming about a fugly bag of dough….*shrugs*

  1. If Shmoo had the opportunity to have one night with Demmy, we know he would take advantage to that!

    1. I wouldn’t touch that beastly sack of flour if she were the last woman alive. Again, ZERO appeal…..butt ugly and grossly obese. Sorry if standards aren’t acceptable around here.

  2. Why does Demmy the great get so much attention especially from those who claim not to like her so much? Hmm…

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