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Chloe Vevrier Doing The Dishes


Doing the dishes has never been my favourite thing to do in the kitchen. But right now, here, on this Sunday morning wth you around watching me, it becomes more flirty foreplay than chore. I take my time, you keep looking at me with that adoring smile … you offer me a ‘hand’ but I have a better idea how I want you to put your hands to real good use …


23 thoughts on “Chloe Vevrier Doing The Dishes”

  1. ^way too much photoshop in this gallery,I agree.Is it really needed? I know she’s not young anymore but come on,this is a bit exaggerated

    1. I couldn’t care less ( about the airbrushing ), I’ve been a member of her site for years and I love her galleries.

      1. You aren’t even getting excited about her, cause you are looking at a cartoon character. They make her fake. Who the hell knows what she even looks like anymore.

        1. I’ll confess, shortly after posting my message (above) yesterday, I throttled my cock and shot a healthy load. The relief felt so good (my balls were so full!).

          1. @Johnny, glad to hear I’m not the only one who enjoyed this pictorial so much! I didn’t even get past the first picture before I passed the ‘inflection point’ where my dong wanted to ejaculate, to where it absolutely HAD to ejaculate.Just the thought of mounting and fucking Chloe from behind at that kitchen counter (with her huge tits sway underneath her) had me ready to have another go at it!

        2. Chloe posee un cuerpo que deja absorto, mas que impresionado a cualquier hombre, capaz de cautivar y fascinar . Por favor, de ser factible, solicito que me permitan llevar un seguimiento a través de ustedes de su actividad fotográfica. Desde ya muchas gracias por su atención dispensada.-

        3. So good that the mint green camisole is biting into with the your big tits. The sugary vibes that relaxed with looseness are overflowing. What a marvelous housewife! I want to embrace your voluptuous body from behind. It would be so wonderful if such a wife moved to a neighboring house. I will approach her, aiming at the opportunity of her husband’s absence.While you are out, I will make your wife kneel down on the kitchen floor and suck my cock on her.
          I want to bring this housewife’s body to my house in secret.

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