Big tits outdoors in a tropical paradise with curvy Demmy Blaze, and once she heads inside to take a shower we see her pussy for the first time!
Big tits outdoors in a tropical paradise with curvy Demmy Blaze, and once she heads inside to take a shower we see her pussy for the first time!
What a lovely cliteris Demmy has but she does not know how to suck her nipples. You can put the lips around the nipples and stretch the nipple into the mouth, or you can try and swallow the whole lot.
You open the mouth and put the lips on the outside of the aereole and then suck. So you suck the nipple plus the areoles as a unit into the mouth with the tension on the perimeter of the aerials when it meats the white breast flesh. That way you lift the aereole and the nipple out of the breast. None of this wagging the tongue at the nipple. It is of no use.
Hey STUPID, just because there isn’t a pic of her sucking a nipple, doesn’t mean that she does not know how to do it. I’ve seen pics of Demmy suckin’ on em, and she does it quite well WITHOUT your lame advice.
A typical Scoreland chick. Description: thick
Yeah, thick with huge tits that she doesn’t mind licking herself, which I, unlike some people, have absolutely NO PROBLEM with. Wouldn’t mind helpin’ her out with that either.
That’s how she licks my Cum Blast off her Big Beautiful Tits after she gets done rubbing her Clitoris on my Thick Hard On .
Doubt it.
Well ! My suspicions are confirmed. Jen is in fact that little worm Umberto, who has named his right hand Jen, because he couldn’t possibly have a girlfriend. A man – That’s a laugh! A little boy who likes to act tough on daddy’s computer while he’s at work. Find out what STFU means yet, jagoff? It means SHUT THE FUCK UP ! Now in the words of the immortal W.C. Fields, “Go away boy, ya bother me.”
Hot damn, this girl is F I N E
Yup,and this is when Demmy took the next step,showing that pussy.Something that Karla James never did.Therefore that makes Demmy the better between the two.I compare the two cuz there’s so much similarities .But the one thing Demmy has over Karla is a viewable pussy.Like I said,let us all thank Mrs.Blaze for showing her smooth shaven pussy,when she could’ve been still too reserved to display it.Thanks Demmy.