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Sha Rizel Drops Her Towel

Busty brunette Sha Rizel in bathroom doorway dropping her towel

Sha Rizel radiates so much sex appeal it’s almost unbelievable. Almost. She’s so sensual with such a pouty sexual look and as the towel drops her luscious body will blow your mind!

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11 thoughts on “Sha Rizel Drops Her Towel”

    1. STILL whinin’ like a girl. If Score did this SAME EXACT shoot, you’d be bitchin’ that her hair’s a mess, and maybe her toenails are too long or whatever. Just to squawk about Score. Bet ya STILL ain’t contacted THEM with your bitchin’, have ya? STILL didn’t think so.

      1. A couple of posts below, you were complaining about Only Tease in much the same way…
        Gotta admit I’m with braknor on this, I’ve not seen anything better from Score in a meaningful amount of time…

        1. CONSTANTLY? With EVERY post? The INCESSANT bitchin’ is getting almost as bad as the self proclaimed “expert” whinin’ about EVERY .woman’s tits and nips needing to be MUCH bigger. That shit got old in a hurry too. You can’t stand Score, O.K. fine, we get it. Don’t look at the posts then and move on.

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